As the amazing year of 2020 comes to an end, I thought that this is the right time for me to start thinking about how to get involved in areas I have always been interested in but never put enough time and effort into. Basically, this is going to be a hands-on semi random blog post series of exploring mostly low-level computer science and security topics. The plan is to have no rigid plan, go by interest, and to have fun. This first post is just laying out a possible timeline of the topics and ideas I will be going through and will later be updated to link the specific blog posts.


Not web applications fuzzing. I have always been interested in fuzzing. Whenever reading a writeup of some mind-blowing RCE the common entry point for that bug, or chain of bugs is usually fuzzing. I’ve done some fuzzing but not enough. So ..

  • Let’s build a fuzzer, or multiple fuzzers?, and incremntally optimize it.

Building a fuzzer will be fun, but what fun with no bugs. Before trying to choose a target. I wanted to re-discover a previously known exploitable CVE through fuzzing, Then, create an exploit for it.

  • Re-discovering a bug, and writing an exploit for it.

At this point I’d hope that I’ve made a few blog posts and gained a better understanding of fuzzers. Before continuing with fuzzers though, I will take a quick detour and comeback to them later.


Emulation can be a very useful tool for fuzzing. As sometimes you want to fuzz a black-box target, a kernel, or something running on a different arch. However, this is just an execuse to make an emulator. I have always wanted to make an emulator for a simple archictucture.

  • Making an emulator for something (NES?, idk will choose later).

I know that AFL has a QEMU mode (user only) for black-box targets. So while we’re at it with emulators. Let’s learn some stuff about QEMU, and maybe modify AFL to fuzz a binary running inside an emulated OS.

  • Modify AFL, QEMU to fuzz a black-box target in a different OS (SerenityOS?)
    • I like SerenityOS and have learned a lot from Andreas Kling (@awesomekling) videos, so why not :D

Fuzzing part 2 (goal)

in the second part of fuzzing, also known as finding a previously unknown exploitable bug through fuzzing (0-Day), and writing an exploit for it. I will try to do what it exactly says. I expect this to be the hardest part and I’m considering it a goal for 2021. The target doesn’t have to be big. The main reason I think this will be hard is because I struggle with choosing a target just for the sake of finding a bug. I usually find bugs in a target when I’m exploring it for a specific reason.

  • Find a bug in “something” through fuzzing, and write an exploit for it.


Just putting this one out here. I want to learn more about hypervisors and make a simple one.

  • Making a hypervisor.

This is it for now. Ideas could change, get extended, and more ideas might be added. Here hoping for a better year, plz 2021 🙏, and more learning.

UPDATE: 2021 Also sucked. I don’t remember if I did any of the above.

UPDATE: 2022 Uhhh …